A fun site to hold a team building scavnger hunt in Tel Aviv

Event Description: A fascinating, up-tempo place to participate in a corporate teambuilding event, Tel-Aviv (in Hebrew “Hill of Spring”) –stretched along a beautiful stretch of the Mediterranean —  is Israel’s largest city and its biggest commercial center. If Jerusalem is celebrated for its religious holiness, Tel-Aviv is notable more for its secular pleasures: entertainment venues, shopping malls, exotic markets, nonstop active nightlife, gorgeous golden beaches and wonderful restaurants. Your Dr. Clue treasure hunt in Tel-Aviv revolves around the lively Shenkin Street area, with its Bauhaus buildings and tree-shaded boulevards, and stretches all the way to the seaside.

During your corporate teambuilding treasure hunt…Expect to see a mural of giant fruit; a glittering mosaic of Tel-Aviv history; a stained glass window from the Great Synagogue; a statue of a broken bridge; and a wall-painting of famous intellectuals. The name is apt; these “hills” certainly are “springing” with hidden treasure.

Here’s Dr. Clue himself, Dave Blum, sharing his thoughts about this teambuilding scavenger hunt:


Not every corporate team building program is the same.  Depending on your group, your focus may be integrating new people into the team and breaking down personal boundaries and divisions.    Or you may have an existing department where teams could, with a little practice, cooperate and communicate more smoothly across teams and divisions.  Or you might simply have a group that thrives on the use of technology.    Let Dr. Clue customize your hunt program by selecting the content focus that best matches your group and your needs.



Gather in the community park on King George Street,
near Bograshov Street.

  1. Introductions/Ice Breakers/Rules–30 minutes
  2. Hunt ~120 minutes
  3. Team Building Wrap-Up & Discussion–30 minutes


See all of our Israel corporate team building events.

[When you’re ready, click HERE to tell us all about your needs or call us at 415-699-3905 to discuss pricing.]