Wow Place #304: Freedom Trail, Boston

Visit most any European city and you’re bound to stumble upon its “old town” – a small, central area with plaques, statues, hundreds-of-years-old buildings and cobblestone streets. You have to give credit to the community planners in these towns who made a conscious effort to preserve the rich history of the city (while providing a profitable tourist hub, naturally).

Finding a parallel to this in the U.S. is challenging because, frankly, our cities aren’t that old. Or at least, our European history isn’t. The Native Americans, of course, have been here much longer than the Europeans’ mere 400 years (although we don’t see nearly enough of our indigenous culture preserved).

Be that is it may, there are a smattering of “old towns” in America, primarily in our colonial cities: Philadelphia, Jamestown, Charleston, to name a few. One of my favorites, however, is Boston, famed for its scenic “Freedom Trail.”

Located smack in the middle of town, the Freedom Trail is less of an “old town” than a linear path encompassing a unique collection of museums, churches, meeting houses, burying grounds, parks, a ship, and historic markers that tell the story of the American Revolution and beyond.

Those sites include:
• Boston Common: Established in 1634, Boston Common is America’s oldest public park. Puritan colonists purchased the land rights to the Common’s 44 acres from the first European settler of the area, Anglican minister William Blackstone.
• Massachusetts State House: Designed by Charles Bulfinch, the ‘new’ and current State House has served as the seat of Massachusetts government since its opening in 1798.
• Park Street Church: Founded in 1809 atop the site of Boston’s town granary, its 217-ft. steeple was once the first landmark travelers saw when approaching Boston.
• Granary Burying Ground: Established in 1660, some of America’s most notable citizens rest here, including Samuel Adams, John Hancock and Paul Revere.

• King’s Chapel and Burying Ground: Founded in 1686 as Boston’s first Anglican church, its 1754-granite building still stands on the church’s original site.
• Boston Latin School: Founded 1635, this is the oldest public school in America. A statue of former student Benjamin Franklin currently marks the location of the original schoolhouse.
• Old Corner Bookstore: Constructed in 1718, this is downtown Boston’s oldest commercial building and home to the 19th-century publishing giant Ticknor and Fields. It produced many venerable American titles including Thoreau’s Walden, Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, and Longfellow’s Midnight Ride of Paul Revere.
• Old South Meeting House: Where the Boston Tea Party pretty much began – hosting Puritan sermons, public meetings, and the tea tax debates.
• Old State House: The oldest surviving public building in Boston, it was built in 1713 and served as the center of civic, political, and business life.
• The Boston Massacre Site: On March 5, 1770, after months of tensions due to occupation and taxation, Bostonians and Redcoats clashed in the streets of Boston. Five civilians died, leading to the rallying of Bostonians against the Crown and the evacuation of troops in Boston. They would not return until 1774.
• Faneuil Hall : Often referred to as “the home of free speech” and the “Cradle of Liberty,” Faneuil Hall hosted America’s first Town Meeting and played a vital role in revolutionary politics.
• Paul Revere House: Built around 1680, this building was owned by the legendary patriot from 1770-1800. It is the oldest remaining structure in downtown Boston and also the only official Freedom Trail historic site that is a home.
• Old North Church: Built in 1723, Boston’s oldest church is best known for the midnight ride of Paul Revere and “One if by land, two if by sea.”
• Copp’s Hill Burying Ground: Named after shoemaker William Copp, the Burying Ground is the final resting place and burying ground of merchants, artisans, and craftspeople who lived in the North End.
• The USS Constitution: Launched in Boston in 1797, this is the oldest commissioned warship afloat and nicknamed “Old Ironsides” during the War of 1812.
• Bunker Hill Monument: The Battle of Bunker Hill on June 17, 1775 was the first major battle of the Revolutionary War and predicted the character and outcome of the rest of the war.

Walking in downtown Boston reminds me of the Roman Forum in Italy’s capital, Rome. I can’t help but be amazed that all this history still exists! One can only imagine the current property value of each site! And yet, the locations remain, thanks to the city planners’ desire for people to remember where we came from: a passionate group of patriots fighting to rid ourself of kings (and oligarchs)…struggling for the rights of free speech and religion. Especially in this day and age, perhaps we Americans should ALL take a walk along the Freedom Trail, don’t you think?

(After you’ve finished your stroll along the Freedom Trail, make sure you spend a little time exploring the pretty Boston Common – a breath of fresh air and nature in the heart of the busy metropolis. The Japanese concept of “Shinrin-yoku” implores us to spend more time in nature, which science tells us reduces stress and improves our mood. Take a walk in the park, breathe in the fresh air and let nature recharge you.)

(Dave Blum is the creator of Dr. Clue Treasure Hunts,, a teambuilding company featuring over 150 treasure hunt locations worldwide. He has visited over 40 countries in his 60+ years of life and plans to keep traveling until he gives up the ghost. Dave lives in Northern California with his wife, Donica, and their 18-year-old Maine Coon, Ava — an indoor cat who dreams of one day escaping captivity and exploring her own neighborhood Wow Places.)