box1As creativity becomes a core competency necessary at all levels of the organization, it is important that we not just tell people to think out of the box, but show them how to do so.
In this powerful workshop your participants receive a specially designed physical box that represents the invisible box that limits your creativity. Through a number of interactive and
reflective exercises, you identify the boundaries to your thinking, appreciate the positive function of “the box”, and learn simple techniques for thinking both in and out of the box.

Click here to watch the box in action!

video image





The box has helped thousands improve their creativity and innovation, including people in Nestle, Microsoft, Nike, Lane Crawford, LVMH and The Peninsula.

The 4-Step Process


brand box





•The outside of the box represents your public thinking, your personal
branding. It reflects what you want people to know or think about yourself
It is the “face” that you show to the world.


inside box






•Each side of the inside of the box represents a different limitation you
place on your thinking. By identifying the boundaries of your thinking,
you are better equipped to know how to open new filters and go beyond those boundaries to think out of the box.


wear the box





•Wearing the physical box on your head creates a powerful emotional
experience of how limiting our invisible thinking box can be. Through
this experience you experience the challenges of coordinating
action, sharing opinions, making decisions and executing a plan with a
box on your head.







•In the debrief and application phase, you draw connections between
the physical box you have created in the program with the invisible
thinking box you have created throughout their lifetime. By
identifying when it is best to think in the box, and when and how to
think out of the box, you improve the conditions for creative innovation.




“It was during the Out of the Box activity that I learned of how
our strong opinions can lead to prejudice. On the inside of “The
Box”, there are rules, pressures, expectations, etc. Taking off
“The Box” relieves me of the heaviness on my head and mind.
Without the box, I can think of new, innovative ideas.”

Operations Manager, Galaxy Macau


“Thanks for today. It was a wonderful experience and I could see
that the younger set was really moved by it. This exercise made
the Box visible and raised questions that cry out for
CEO of Tech Startup


“If you want to have some innovative ideas, the most important
thing is to think out of the box. Don’t be afraid of making
mistakes. We should be more courageous to change.”

Participant Feedback


Ready to get your organization unboxed?

For our full pricing sheet: call  707.620.0598 or email

Travel costs may apply, depending on location.