Wow Place #138: Sarnath, India

Everyone has their pilgrimage. For some, it’s going to Graceland to see the home of Elvis Presley. For others, it’s stopping by Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris to view the burial place of Jim Morrison. For me, it’s Sarnath, India, the site of the Gautama Buddha’s first sermon after attaining enlightenment. Just a few clicks […]

Wow Place #139: Happy Herb Pizza, Siem Reap, Cambodia

To be clear, I’m not a drug or alcohol user these days. It’s not that I’m a prude; I’m just practical. As a fairly busy person, I find it hard to rationalize losing precious morning work time to recover from a hangover. But there was a time however… It’s January, 1998. After a full day […]

Wow Place #137: Khaosan Road, Thailand

Why do torturers always smile? Is it just a part of the job description? “Small massage school is hiring people who enjoy inflicting pain.” There’s certainly no doubt that my Thai masseur is a happy, happy man as he digs his bony elbows into the small of my back. It’s even worse when he starts […]

Wow Place #136: Osaka Expo Ground

Wow Place #136: Osaka Expo Grounds I collected a lot of things when I was a kid. Coins. Baseball cards. Firecracker Labels. Bottle caps. My crowning glory, however, was my stamp collection. I particularly liked big, bright, picture stamps commemorating exotic places and events. Some of my all-time favorites were the stamps celebrating the 1970 […]

Wow Place #135: Pet Cafes, Japan

Back in the mid-80s while teaching English in Shimonoseki, Japan, I lived in what the locals called a “1 DK” apartment. That means a bathroom, a hallway with a kitchen, and one “living room” with six tatami mats – about 250 square feet total. When it was time to sleep, I pulled the futon out […]

Wow Place #134: Raffles Hotel, Singapore

“When in Singapore, you have to try a Singapore Sling at the Raffles hotel!” What is it about travelers and their aggressive advice?!! (See Wow Place #133.) I don’t have to do anything!. I mean, geez, I don’t even like drinking. Why in the world do I need to get myself all gussied up, go […]

Wow Place #133: Strand Hotel, Rangoon, Burma

“When in Rangoon, you have to eat lobster thermidor at the Strand Hotel!” I receive a lot of advice when traveling around Asia. “You have to stay at this hotel,” or “You have a drink at that bar.” But the one recommendation I hear again and again without fail is to eat lobster at the […]

Wow Place 132: Mui Ne, Vietnam

Traveling in “developing countries” is all about choices. Sometimes you choose correctly, have an amazing experience and pat yourself on the back for your wonderful trip savvy. Other times you choose poorly, lose money, wind up in a dodgy situation, and beat yourself up for dropping the ball. Travel decision-making is like a muscle; your […]

Wow Place #131: Nan & Phrae, Thailand

Yesterday’s post about Disney Sea got me thinking about the old ticket system they used to have at the Disney parks. Long before the current all-inclusive entry pass, Disney offered a booklet with tickets labeled A, B, C, D, and E. An “A” ticket might get you a ride on something tame like a Main […]

Wow Place #130: Disney Sea, Tokyo

When someone says this restaurant or that movie or this museum is “one of a kind,” how do you react? My own first thought is, “Well, does ‘one of a kind’ mean worth visiting or does it just mean unusual?” After all, there is a Microbes Museum in Amsterdam that is undoubtedly one of a […]