Energetic Leadership

In spite of anything you’ve heard to the contrary, you ARE a “leader” in your “organization”. There’s just no denying it. “But wait just a second,” you say. “I’m only an admin…or a mid-level manager…or a soccer mom. I’m no leader.” This is an understandable reaction, to be sure – and yet completely inaccurate. Leadership […]


Yoda: Luke! You must complete the training. Luke Skywalker: I can’t keep the vision out of my head. They’re my friends. I’ve gotta help them. Yoda: You must not go! … Obi-Wan: Patience! Luke: And sacrifice Han and Leia? Yoda: If you honor what they fight for, yes! Obi-Wan: If you choose to face Vader, […]

Choosing Your Lessons

I’ve always played sports — never particularly well, mind you — but I’ve always played something. In elementary school and junior high, I was all about football — that is, until the game graduated from flags to tackle, I stopped growing and everyone else started to loom over me. In high school, I took up […]


If you had to list your five, daily “must do” actions or activities in your life, what would they be? My own list would probably include (in no particular order): –Eating right (healthfully and low-cal) –Exercising –Sleeping sufficiently –Meditating –Writing

Because I Said I Would…

While on my way to North Carolina this past week, I discovered a fascinating article in Southwest Airlines’ Spirit Magazine, entitled “The Everyday Action Hero”. It tells the story of 28-year-old Alex Sheen, founder of Because I Said it Would, a nonprofit dedicated to “bettering humanity through the power of a promise.” Inspired by his […]

The Power of Choice

There once was a knight of the Round Table who met a beautiful woman — fair of skin with long, raven hair — and took her to court to marry her. Little did the knight know that his bride-to-be was bewitched by a terrible spell, cast upon her by an evil sorcerer. According to the […]