Wow Place #278: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Wow Place #278: Amsterdam, Netherlands There’s a curious phenomenon that occurs when you’re on a long trip. I’m talking a multiple-month, 15-country journey like I did in Asia, back in 1987-88. As you bop around from sight to sight and country to country, you tend to bump into the same people, again and again. Steve […]
Wow Place #277: Along the River to Phnom Penh, Cambodia
365 Wow Places: If you like these posts, click here to subscribe. (It don’t cost nuthin’.) And feel free to pass them along to your friends, family and colleagues!] Wow Place #277: Along the River to Phnom Penh, Cambodia I’ve made a lot of risky decisions in my life. Most of them have worked out […]
Wow Place #276: The Pantheon, Rome, Italy
365 Wow Places: If you like these posts, click here to subscribe. (It don’t cost nuthin’.) And feel free to pass them along to your friends, family and colleagues!] Wow Place #276: The Pantheon, Rome, Italy I wonder what it must be like to be a city planner, trying to organize a metropolis around ancient […]
Wow Place #275: Radio City Music Hall
365 Wow Places: If you like these posts, click here to subscribe. (It don’t cost nuthin’.) And feel free to pass them along to your friends, family and colleagues!] Wow Place #275: Radio City Music Hall I was awfully young – perhaps 11 years old — when my brother, Brian (13), and I first went […]
Wow Place #274: Castro Theater, San Francisco, CA
365 Wow Places: If you like these posts, click here to subscribe. (It don’t cost nuthin’.) And feel free to pass them along to your friends, family and colleagues!] Wow Place #274: Castro Theater, San Francisco, CA I went to a movie, the other day, at a perfectly respectable “multiplex” theater. The sound was good. […]
Wow Place #273: Paris Metro
365 Wow Places: If you like these posts, click here to subscribe. (It don’t cost nuthin’.) And feel free to pass them along to your friends, family and colleagues!] Wow Place #273: Paris Metro “Smell is a potent wizard that transports you across thousands of miles and all the years you have lived.” –Helen Keller […]
Wow Place #272: The L’Orangerie Monets, Paris
365 Wow Places: If you like these posts, click here to subscribe. (It don’t cost nuthin’.) And feel free to pass them along to your friends, family and colleagues!] Wow Place #272: The L’Orangerie Monets, Paris In my last post (Wow Place #271), I explored the concept of “liminal spaces,” those places (and times) in […]
Wow Place #271: Seattle Underground Tour
365 Wow Places: If you like these posts, click here to subscribe. (It don’t cost nuthin’.) And feel free to pass them along to your friends, family and colleagues!] Wow Place #271: Seattle Underground Tour I’m fascinated by “liminal spaces.” A liminal space can be defined as a threshold. It’s a place of transition, a […]
Wow Place #270: Jelly Belly Factory, Fairfield, CA
365 Wow Places: If you like these posts, click here to subscribe. (It don’t cost nuthin’.) And feel free to pass them along to your friends, family and colleagues!] Wow Place #270: Jelly Belly Factory, Fairfield, CA Diets are a drag. Since June, I’ve been on this diet called Bright Line Eating. The main features […]
Wow Place #269: Tennessee Valley, Marin County, CA
[Hey everyone. If you get a chance, I’d love it if you would buy me a coffee (and help me support these postings): Thanks! 😊 ~Dave Click here to subscribe to these posts. And if you like these posts, pass them along to your friends? It don’t cost nuthin’. lol] Wow Place #269: Tennessee […]