Vienna, Austria – Museum of Natural History (Naturhistorisches Museum) teambuilding scavenger hunt

A cool site to hold a team building scavenger hunt in the Vienna Museum of Natural History Event Description: An intriguing site for a corporate team building event, the Museum of Natural History (Naturhistorisches Museum) is one of Vienna’s grandest and most celebrated halls. Located just minutes from the Imperial Palace, the Naturhistorisches is where […]

Rome, Italy – Historic City Center scavenger hunts

A cool site to hold a team building scavenger hunts in the Rome Historic Center Event Description: A riveting site for a corporate team building event, Roma – the Eternal City – is one part modern metropolis, one part open-air museum. Rome was not built in a day, as the saying goes. Nor can it […]

Rome, Italy – Capitoline Museum teambuilding scavenger hunt

A fun site to hold a team building scavenger hunt in the Rome Capitoline Museum Event Description: An intriguing site for a corporate team building event, the Capitoline Hill — with its unbeatable views of the Forum and Colisseum — hosts the remarkable Capitoline Museum, one of the world’s premier museums for experiencing Roman artifacts. […]

Paris – Marais District Teambuilding Scavenger Hunt

A fascinating site to hold a team building scavenger hunt in the Paris Marais Event Description: A truly fascinating site for a corporate team building event, this 4e arrondissement neighborhood is one of the few remaining areas to retain its pre-Revolution architecture. Here you’ll find the grand Place Des Vosges, the Picasso Museum, Victor Hugo’s […]

Paris, France – Louvre Museum teambuilding scavenger hunt

A cool site to hold a team building scavenger hunt in the Louvre Event Description: An intriguing site for a corporate team building event, the Louvre is perhaps the world’s preeminent art museum treasure.  Dan Brown set the precedent, in fiction, for mysterious misadventures in the City of Lights; now here’s your chance to actually […]

Madrid, Spain – Prado Museum teambuilding scavenger hunt

A fun site to hold a team building scavenger in the Prado Event Description: An gorgeous site for a corporate team building event, the Prado has it all.  When naming the world’s most important art museums, one must certainly put the Prado, alongside the Louvre, at the top of the list. Location History: One of […]

Madrid, Spain – Historic District scavenger hunt

A cool site to hold a team building scavenger hunt in Madrid Event Description: A rich and intriguing site for a corporate team building event, sunny Madrid –occupying the geographical center of the Iberian Peninsula — is in many ways the heart of Spain. (Spanish distances, in fact, are measured from the “Kilometer 0” mark […]

Geneva, Switzerland – Old Town teambuilding scavenger hunt

A fascinating site to hold a team building scavenger hunt in Geneva   Event Description:  A historic place to participate in a corporate teambuilding event, Geneva — straddling the Rhone River on the edge of Lac Leman (Lake Geneva) Geneva is an amazing European treasure hunt location with more history than you can shake a […]