The Costa Rica story continues
Friday, January 2, 2009 by Dave Blum Continued from last entry… Sorting ourselves out from the accident and assessing the damage — both to the boat and to ourselves — took a few, painful minutes. Donna had a small cut to the top of her head and two black eyes; Marco was completely unscathed; and Andrea had a […]
The ability to trust
Friday, January 2, 2009 by Dave Blum It was sometime around 2000, while on vacation to Costa Rica, that the accident happened. I was on a small, four-person boat with my friend Donna, our guide, Andrea, and our ship pilot, Marco, returning from a pleasant daytrip to Corcovado National Park. Minutes away from the beach, Marco informed us that we needed to stop and […]
5 Places for Winter Scavenger Hunts
Thursday, January 1, 2009 by Dave Blum The cold and wet winter weather need not deter you from doing a scavenger these next few months. You just have to choose the right venue! Here are five scavenger hunt locations to consider as you create your winter scavenger hunt list. 1) The Mall Scavenger Hunt: Malls have […]
Dr. Clue on TV!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008 by Dave Blum A few blog posts back, I described my day with the film crew of KTXL TV Fox 40 in Old Sacramento. Well, their news feature about Dr. Clue is complete and up on the web!
Teambuilding Solutions in a Tough Economy
Tuesday, December 30, 2008 by Dave Blum I just got off the phone with a previous Dr. Clue client, Cellmark, specialists in the marketing of pulp and paper. My contact, Vic (who has done scavenger hunts with us in the past), was telling me how much his company’s recycling unit has taken a hit over the last year. […]
Two Examples of Excellent Customer Service
Monday, December 29, 2008 by Dave Blum As a small business owner, I tend to notice excellent customer service when I experience it. Over the holidays, I observed two fine examples: 1) Jen and I are scheduled to stay at a B&B in Calistoga, a famed hot spring town in the wine country. On our way […]
Film time in Old Sac
Wednesday, December 24, 2008 by Dave Blum Most all of our Dr. Clue team building activities are a hoot in some way or another, but not all of them are captured on TV, like the treasure hunt I led this past Monday in Sacramento. It all fell into place rather suddenly when I was contacted last Wednesday by Tracy Magan of KTXL Fox40, a local […]
Tell Me a Story
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 by Dave Blum I was at a lecture last week and struggling to stay awake, which often happens to me at talks, choir concerts, opera, etc. (Okay, I’m not always the most cultured guy in the world; give me a good football game any day!) So anyway, there I am, thinking […]
Airport Meditation
Saturday, December 20, 2008 by Dave Blum As a “hunt guy”, I tend to travel a lot for my corporate team building activities. On a typical trip, I jet into New Orleans, New York, Las Vegas or wherever, play-test treasure hunt clues, tend to logistics, assemble materials, meet with the client, deliver my team building […]
This Spud’s for You
Friday, December 19, 2008 by Dave Blum Several years ago, at my favorite conference (the annual gathering of the North American Simulation and Gaming Association, NASAGA), I observed the following remarkable icebreaker. It was presented by Ken Bellemare, a Vancouver-based trainer and magician, who proved to me that the mind is stronger than the potato. […]