Thinking about Layoffs Leads to Low Morale

Tuesday, September 1, 2009 by Dave Blum In a recent article (titled “Visibly Shaken”: June 2009) in ASTD’s Training & Development Magazine, the author Michael Laff talked about the effect this downturn is having on employee morale.  He writes: “A closed door, an ignored email, or an unfriendly gesture are all subtle hints that one’s […]

Videos games as team building

Tuesday, August 18, 2009 by Dave Blum I recently came across this article: “Shooting the boss (and getting paid for it)”, by Daniel Terdiman;title It talks about a company that uses collaborative video games as a team bonding exercise.  I have to say, it’s an interesting concept and not something to dismiss.  I mean, here […]

The term “Teambuilding”: three categories

Friday, July 24, 2009 by Dave Blum I’ve been thinking, of late, that “team-building” is an awfully fuzzy term.  First off, it’s unclear to me how to even write it.  I mean is it: 1) teambuilding? 2) team building?  or 3) team-building? Then there’s the question of what it is.   For example, is a night of […]

Upcoming Free Teleclass

Friday, July 17, 2009 by Dave Blum FR*EE Teleclass: “The JOY of Conflict: Three Roles that Trap Us in Conflict — And How to Escape Them.” A conversation with me and Gary Harper WHEN: Thursday, July 23, 2009, 11am PDT FEE: Free REGISTRATION: Send us an email at and we’ll provide all the call-in […]

Feedback and Intention

Thursday, July 2, 2009 by Dave Blum I realize I have a little bit more to say about the giving and receiving of feedback, and the concept of “Intention/Impact”.  I refer back both to my blog entry a couple of days ago, and also to a piece I wrote in December about Gary Harper and […]

Dr. Clue News…SF Chron article and Teleclass on line

Tuesday, June 30, 2009 by Dave Blum Warhol wrote about everyone getting 15 minutes of fame.  Well, I  received a few choice minutes yesterday, thanks to reporter Edward Guthmann, who wrote a nice article about me (and Dr. Clue) in the SF Chronicle’s Monday workplace column.  Check it out at: What do you think? ————————————————————-   Give it a listen; I’d love […]

Giving Feedback That Actually Gets Listened To

Monday, June 29, 2009 by Dave Blum My wife and I had a fight yesterday morning — one of those domestic spats that every couple has now and again.  It went something like this: Jen:  When you slid the extra leaf back into the dining room table, did you clean it first? Dave:  Yes, I […]

Are We Selling Our Clients Short?

Friday, June 26, 2009 by Dave Blum I’ve ventured into a new team building venture this summer — leading “ropes courses” (for the Pacific Leadership Institute). Based here in San Francisco, PLI actually uses the term “challenge course” and describes it as follows: “Challenge Courses (or ropes courses) are a progression of low team-based elements […]

My first teleclass: lessons learned

Thursday, June 25, 2009 by Dave Blum After talking about it for a long time, I finally performed my first-ever teleclass yesterday, on the topic:  “Creating Team-Building Treasure Hunts: The Five Deadly Mistakes (and how to avoid them)”. Although not perfect (what ever is?), the class went pretty well, I thought.  I spoke for about […]